TopBand: commercial vs. homebrew ants
Sat, 28 Mar 1998 23:08:49 EST
Here is a short summary of my question about my question on a 160m
commercial vertical. I would say 99% were against purchasing a
commercial antenna for this band. Most said that commercial verticals
are too shorts, bandwidth too narrow, base loaded not good, they are like
dummy loads. These are few of the comments that I received. Only a
couple has used the HF6V on 160, they had fair rsults. But one stated
that an Inverted-L with a 50 ft vertical section would out perform it by
2-3 S-units.
I saved all the messages from everyone and for those of you that
requested those comments I will copy you on those messages. I don't want
to take up bandwidth here on the Reflector.
I have gathered up 60 ft of aluminum tubing for my new antenna. I would
like to ask someone who has some modeling software to assist me in the
design of this antenna. Should I try an Inverted-L type with a wire off
the top of this 60 ft of aluminum, or should a I try a top loaded
vertical? I would appreciate some comments on this.
Right now I have a all wire version Inverted-L, vertical section 85 ft.
But I may be losing my nice support for it soon.
If someone could please model a 60 ft top loaded vertical for me I would
appreciate it very much. And again your comments on a top loaded
vertical vs. the Inverted-L.
Thanks to everyone who gave your input and comments.
If you have any questions please email me direct.
Scott K8SM
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