TopBand: EWEs
Eric Gustafson Courtesy Account
Tue, 31 Mar 1998 09:46:07 -0700
Gary and I have been having a little discussion off line. He
thinks I should post it to the reflector. So here it is.
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Date: Sun, 29 Mar 1998 15:38:50 -0700
From: Garry & Yelena <>
Subject: Re: TopBand: El Nino
Great info, Eric--I think you should share it with the Reflector,
and it certainly fills in a lot of blanks for me. Your
observations about size of the EWE are particularly interesting.
N7CL wrote:
> >Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 16:56:54 -0700
> >From: Garry & Yelena <>
> >
> >>
> >> >With the EWE in the first few days of dry weather, I was not
> >> >all that impressed ! With heavy rains and better conditions
> >> >they began to "play".
> >>
> >> This agrees well with some EWE antenna modeling I have been
> >> doing. The EWE, unlike the beverage, does _NOT_ like to be
> >> operated over poor ground. The EWE works best over perfect
> >> ground.
> >
> >I have long suspected this, based upon the widely varying
> >performance reports from operators who have built EWE's.
> >
> >Example: Larry, NF6S put a couple of them in his tiny backyard
> >in the Livermore Valley in California and raved about them. I
> >now recall that Larry lives in a drained swamp adjacent to the
> >now-defunct FCC monitoring station, where he has excellent
> >ground conductivity.
> >
> >Anecdotal, I know, but it jibes.
> >--
> >Garry Shapiro, NI6T
> >
> It was the huge range of performance reported by people who built
> them that started me modeling the things. There had to be some
> critical parameter(s) which were not routinely accounted for in
> the literature describing how to build them.
> It turns out that as far as the modeling programs are concerned
> there are three things that strongly influence whether the EWEs
> will work well or not.
> First, and most important, is the earth conductivity under and
> immedaitely near the antenna. The closer to perfect, the better.
> Modeled Beverages simply go dead when you make the ground under
> them perfect. This also squares with my field experience with
> Beverages. But the EWE really wants to be over perfect ground to
> work well. The beverage is a traveling wave antenna. The EWE is
> not. It is more properly thought of as a terminated loop.
> Second, the return connection between the feedpoint ground and
> the load ground should be conductive material. Do _not_ depend
> on the earth material to provide this return path. It is
> possible to get an earth connection at both ends that is good
> enough but it is not likely to happen in all cases (or even
> most). It is not a controlled variable and if the connections
> aren't good enough the system isn't going to work properly.
> Again, it helps to think of it as a loop with one side laying on
> the ground.
> Third, The EWE is size critical. You can't really make it too
> small until it is so small that the preamp NF dominates the
> system noise. But the pattern goes useless rapidly beyond a
> certain point when making them larger. So the trick is to make
> it small enough to play well on the highest band you wish for
> it to cover. Another advantage in making the EWE smaller is
> that making it smaller brings the phase center closer to the
> ground. This reduces the size of the ground area that must be
> screened to bring the elevation pattern down to very low
> angles. On topband, a 1/4 wave vertical needs screening out to
> 3 or 4 wavelengths (2100 feet) to bring the elevation lobe down
> to the 5 degree range. A 7 foot tall EWE only needs 70 feet or
> so of screening to do this.
(This is from my memory of modeling done long ago. I'll check
this and report back if it is in gross error. EG)
> The EWE is only mildly sensitive to aspect ratio and wire sizes.
> And these changes can be compensated for by finding the proper
> termination resistance.
> So I imagine that hams who get lucky on all these things, and
> bother to find the correct termination rather than plugging in
> whatever worked for the guy who wrote the article, have a pretty
> good experience with the EWE. And the others don't.
> 73 Eric N7CL
Garry Shapiro, NI6T
160 meters: not a band, but an obsession
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