TopBand: CQ WW CW operation
Carl K9LA
Wed, 18 Nov 1998 19:18:07 -0800
CQ WW CW 160m contest ops,
I plan to do a single-band 160m effort for CQ WW CW (November 28 and 29)
as ZF2LA.
I will be on all night for both nights. ZF sunset will be 2239 UTC and
sunrise will be 1143 UTC. I will look for JA and VK/ZL around ZF sunrise
on both nights.
For transmit I�ll be using my AL-811 at 600w out to an inverted-vee at 90
feet. That seemed to work reasonably well last year for our ZF1A
multi-single effort. The receiving antennas will be a Beverage to the
northeast and EWEs to the NW and SW.
Going to ZF for CQ WW CW was a last minute decision, and because of the
hard-to-get airline reservations on such short notice we don�t arrive
until 1PM Friday - that doesn�t leave much time to put out the receiving
antennas! Help from my wife Vicky (she�s KB5EAM/ZF2LU) hopefully will
get this job done for the first night of operation.
I look forward to working as many of you as possible. QSLs go to K9LA.
Carl K9LA
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