TopBand: High Angle Reception Via Phased Beverages

Bill Hohnstein
Wed, 25 Nov 1998 00:31:01 -0800

> More testing needs to be done, but the preferred elevation changes
> may be coming close to the predicted values...

Look before you leap...
Further calculations shows that the Nov 24 receptions could have been
just as likely from a high angle bent path from the east or ESE.
I wanted to make that sort of test then but don't have the Beveages
in those directions finished yet.  I'll wait until those are up with
a bit more testing before I make any more declarations...
Not much unusual today to report other than an almost dead polar path
day.  A couple of weak Europeans were barely making it via abnormal
paths, and I had reasonable copy of YK1AO for about 30 seconds, then
he was gone.

73,  Bill     K0HA

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