TopBand: Re: Propagation Question (WAS: inverted vee, ladder line fed)
Fri, 30 Oct 1998 20:10:14 +0000
At 11:34 PM 10/29/98 -0800, Bill Capps wrote:
> Propagation question?? a month ago i would listen a lot to 1.823-1.840 cw
>each morning prior to sunrise. I would hear many really good local stations
>working australia with apparent ease. I only use a 80 meter dipole to
>listen and work stations on 160. But I could not ever hear any of the CW
>replys from australia. But when the domestic station would call for a qsy
>from cw 1.832 to ssb and 1.840 i could copy the ssb signals from australia!
>I really couldnt fiqure that situation out. I heard this many times with
>W8JI Tom. Does anyone else experience this. I thought cw would be the
>signal that i would copy.
One of the consistent features of 160M propagation is that sometimes a
difference of only a few hundred miles can make BIG difference in
propagation of stations heard and worked. One day its Alabama's turn the
next Ohio's etc.
For example earlier in the week T32MP was quite loud here in WI. At the
same time the gang was working the T32, Tom W8JI who is probably less than
500 miles from me was working a number of VK's, I could not here the first
VK. This even with a decent antenna set for receive (four Bevs 600'-750'
long) and a reasonably quiet location The T32 was close to an honest S9.
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