TopBand: E3 Expedition
Bill Tippett
Tue, 01 Sep 1998 06:57:24 -0400 (EDT)
>From The Daily DX:
Bruce Richards, WD4NGB, announces he has been working on a
DXpedition for the last five months to Eritrea (E3) sponsored by the
Space A DX Group. Eritrea is ranked number five on the ARRL DXCC
most wanted list and has been tied up with a border problem since 6
May with Ethiopia. In April he sent a request in writing and was
told it would be processed. During this time a border dispute
between Ethiopia and Eritrea arose and took priority. Since mid June
things have settled down, thanks in part to the UN and other groups.
Last week Bruce received a fax from Eritrea stating completion of
request for operation will be done on 16 September. E31DX callsign
has been requested. They plan to operate from 3 to 18 November,
however these dates will be confirmed as time progresses closer to
the time of the operation. Plans include the use of three complete
stations, 24 hours a day. They will be active on 10 through 160
meters, CW, SSB and RTTY. They may also take 6 meters. Operators at
this time are Bruce, WD4NGB; Bill, W4WX; Bob, W6RJ; Bob, W6KR; Zorro,
JH1AJT; Nellie (YL), XE1CI; Vince, K5VT; Joe, KO4RR; and Vance, N5VL.
There are still three operators needed, preferably with low band
experience. On-line logs with daily updates are being planned.
Three Web pages have been set-up:
Donations for "Non operator" expenses can be sent to Bruce Richards,
WD4NGB, 533 Briarwood Dr, Clarksville TN... In the event that for any
reason this trip does not take place, all funds will be returned.
Any large donations by a group or individual will be shown on the QSL
cards. At the completion of the DXpedition, all funds received with
the QSL cards will be used to defray there cost, and not other trip
QSL cards for this operations will be printed by W4MPY and handled by
INDEXA. More on this soon.
Administrative requests: