TopBand: Re: CQ 160 Rules
Sat, 05 Sep 1998 11:02:17 -0700

Wow Vic!!

In England, You have about 5 hours more darkness than we have in
Israel !!

The following times are UTC:

        2200 Friday to 0440 Saturday  =  6 Hours and 40 Minutes of
        1505 Saturday to 0440 Sunday  = 13 Hours and 35 Minutes of
        1505 Sunday to 1600 Sunday    =  0 Hours and 55 Minutes of
                 Total Darkness in 4X = 21 Hours and 10 Minutes

>From your e-mail, I have 10 hours less darkness than do the North
Americans in
the CQ 160 Contest !

Seems grossly unfair guys !! 

Of course this was never intentional, right?

I've received many replies supportive of my position, and nobody  has
anything wrong with it.

Why not put this on the Contest Committees Agenda now ?!!!
(They asked for comments about their agenda to:

Riki, 4X4NJ

Vic Lindgren wrote:

> In message <>, writes
> >
> >Even though it's not on the agenda for now - maybe in the future the
> >rules can be changed to make the contest fairer.
> >
> >At present, the hours of the contest are purposely designed to
> >optimize the number of dark hours in North America.  The problem is,
> >that whenever a 160M  contest has hours that are less than integral
> >multiples of 24 hours, some areas of the world will have more darkness
> >hours than others.  It doesn't matter exactly when it starts, but
> >whenever  the contest begins, it should end either 24 or 48 hours
> >later.
> >
> >Honored Gentlemen of the 160 Contest Committee - how about
> >making the contest as fair as possible by making the duration of the
> >contest be 48 hours?
> >
> >73,
> >Riki, 4X4NJ
> >
> >
> >--
> >FAQ on WWW:     
> >Submissions:    
> >Administrative requests:
> >Problems:       
> >
> Riki, Having been an avid cq160m cw contester for many years. I have often
> felt slightly cheated in having to effectively stop my entry at 0800z
> on the Sunday morning. In UK aprox.
>  2200z Friday to 0800z Saturday  =  10hrs darkness.
>  1600z Sat    to 0800z Sun       =  16hrs darkness.
>                                     ----
>                               Total 26hrs darkness.
> On East Coast USA.(Local Time)
>  1700 Friday to 0800 Saturday   =  15hrs darkness.
>  1600 Sat    to 0800 Sun        =  16hrs darkness.
>                                    -----
>                              Total 31hrs darkness.
> Making us in Eu effectively down on useable darkness of 5hrs.
> I know this is one of many variables but it seems to me a not very level
> playing field in what lets face it is essentialy a USA/EU dominated contest.
> I like many other entries in the contest make a special effort to put up
> antennas and equipment (and use annual leave) Only to find I dont get the
> darkness time that the other major continent has.
> So like you suggest Riki, a 48hr contest would at least go some way to
> redressing the imbalance.
> CQ contest committee please note.
> 73 de Vic G4BYG.

FAQ on WWW:     
Administrative requests: