TopBand: new Inv-L

John Vickers
Mon, 14 Sep 1998 13:04:15 -0400

> > I am looking for those who are using Inv-L's that have vertical
> > that are only 40-50 ft high.  Maybe you can tell me how it performs for
> > you. 

Hi Scott es all
Don't sell the short Inv-L  "short" !!  The ant can give very good results.
Mine is normally 68 ft vert and top section of 94 ft runs up, down ,and
thru several large trees. BUT since Hurricane Earl blew thru here several
days ago its been at approx 40 ft vert. Worked Pacific, 4X4, etc on a very
mediocre band at the low height.

I'm a believer in Radials--- (no measuring devices, just practical results
lead me to this conclusion) --- every time the Nr was doubled seemed I
could tell a difference. The ant location is in very heavily wooded area
and now has 60 radials about 130 ft long.  A few weeks ago, I added a 8 X 8
copper sheet at the center. Compliments of a local "moonshiner" and the
Local ATF agents!

No matter what the height, it won't work unless you use it, so see you on
The Band.  73 John

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