Topband: EWE Antenna's

Thomas Giella
Sat, 3 Apr 1999 11:23:45 -0500 (EST)

   A good source of information on the EWE antenna is the ARRL's QST
magazine. See their February 1995 and January 1996 issues.
   I have done extensive experimentation with the EWE antenna, both on
160 meters and the broadcast band. I have found the F/B and and S/N
ratios to be lacking, unless you have enough real estate to seperate
them from other transmitting and receiving antenna's. If you set up an
arrray of EWE's with the 50/10/10 foot scheme it needs to be seperated
from your 160 meter transmitting antenna by about one half wavelength or
you will get mutual coupling and loss of directivity and in increase in
local noise. Using the 100/20/20 foot scheme you need a seperation of
about one wavelength. A 9:1 balun seems to work equally well on either
length scheme.The longer length scheme seems to have a better F/B, and
S/N ratio. Another thing I have found is that the best F/B does not
coincide with a 1:1 feepoint SWR and that grounding is critical to F/B,
I used two 8 foot ground and a variable 2K resistor, set at about 1K.

73, Thom

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