Topband: [ The Daily DX ] OJ0 - another trip by K7BV
Bernie McClenny
Thu, 05 Aug 1999 04:32:51 +0100
Release One - K7BV / OH0 / OJ0 DXpedition 1999 - Trip Two
Thanks to a kind invitation from Seppo OH1VR, Lars OH0RJ, Ari OH1EH, Jukka
OH2MAM and Juha OH1JT, Dennis Motschenbacher K7BV, Editor for the National
Contest Journal, will be returning to the Aland Islands OH0 and Market Reef
OJ0 in September 1999 after attending a business conference in London.
His trip to these semi-rare DXCC countries earlier this year in late
May/early June netted a total of 13,000 QSOs.
The primary focus of this trip will be OJ0. Dennis anticipates arriving on
Market Reef via helicopter during the afternoon of Tuesday Sep 14. He will
stay until the early morning hours of Monday Sep 20.
Special emphasis will be made to do an extensive amount of operating on 80
and 160 meters each night. W6PBI, N6FF and W6AJJ -- all Top Band experts --
are working closing with Dennis to insure that he hits the reef with
effective antennas for these bands.
Steve KU9C has also generously donated two R7000 and one HF2V antennas for
the trip. These antennas will be left in the care of OH1VR and OH0RJ after
Dennis's departure.
The trip will include operations on all bands 160-10 meters (WARC bands
included) on both SSB and CW. RS13 satellite appearances will be as frequent
as possible.
George K5KG (email: ) of 3B7RF fame will again perform
Pilot Station duties and feed constructive input from the DX community to
K7BV via HF skeds. Carl K9LA will furnish extensive propagation forecasting
support to insure efficient use of the bands.
Visit website provided by Scott KA9FOX to view
photos from the first trip as well as to use the log-check feature.
QSL Information:
OH0 - OJ0/K7BV via KU9C
Steve Wheatley
12 Netherton Terrace
Morristown NJ 07960
Please note that the QSLs for the first trip and this trip are being printed
by W4MPY at this time.
Information provided by Dennis Motschenbacher K7BV
Email: FAX: (775) 849-0973
Bernie McClenny, W3UR
Editor of The Daily DX & How's DX?
3025 Hobbs Road
Glenwood, MD 21738
Fax 301-854-5105
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Copyright 1998 to date, The DailyDX
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