Topband: Re: 1/2 L

Thomas Giella
Fri, 6 Aug 1999 03:31:25 -0400 (EDT)

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Hi Maurizio,

 No I did not measure the input impedance, the 10,000 ohm figure is a
guess out of ON4UN's book.

 But what I found at 1828.1 kc was highest voltage at both ends which
trailed off 64 feet in from the ends and highest current at the center
of the antenna 128 feet from each end, which trailed off 64 feet from
each end, in other words a sine wave consistent with an antenna of 180
degrees length.

 Yes a series capacitor of say 800 pf's works fine but I find it easier
to tune out capacitive and inductive reactance for 160-10 meter
operation by using the parallel tuner.

 73, Thom.

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