Topband: ON4UBA/B

Bill Tippett
Wed, 11 Aug 1999 11:34:48 +0100

ZS5K wrote:

>Anyone know anything about ON4UBA? 

My guess is that it was ON4UN's station.  I've attached a repost of info
John posted on the reflector on June 2.  (It would be interesting to see
a summary of the study after it is done John!)   73,  Bill  W4ZV

from Topband archives at

Dear Fellow topbander,

On Aug 11th 1999, a total solar eclipse is traveling across Europe, from
the Southern tip of England, acros France, Belgium, Germany etc into
Eastern Europe and further to India.

A solar eclipse has a very marked influence on radio propagation on the low
bands. In several countries in Europe, a number of experiments are being
set up.

The UBA, the Belgian IARU society has started a comprehensive observation
program, together with the Royal Belgian Meteorological Institute. A number
of beacon transmitters will be set up, including on 160 meters.

We have created a new (temporary) e-mail reflector, to be used by all those
who want to know more about this once-in-a-lifetime happening, and its
consequences on propagation, more spefically on the low bands.

You can subscribe to this reflector by simply sending an empty message to:

The aug_11_eclipse reflector is an initiative of the UBA (the IARU radio
society in Belgium, and is adminsitred by ON4UN. The UBA is making
available a special propgram that turne your PC + sound card into a fully
fledged level measuring and logging piece of equipment. Interested?

How about working over a 700 km distance at local noon in summer time on
160? Interested? 

Join the reflector.


John Devoldere, ON4UN
adminsitrator for the aug_11_eclipse reflector 
President UBA

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