Topband: [ The Daily DX ] Release Two OH0/OJ0/K7BV September DXpedtion
Bernie McClenny
Tue, 24 Aug 1999 16:25:45 +0100
Release Two
OH0/ OJ0/ K7BV September DXpedition
OH0 Aland Islands
Dennis K7BV will arrive on OH0 Monday, September 13 at 2030Z. Ari OH1EH will
pick Dennis up at the Mariehamn airport and the two of them will go
immediately to the OH0Z super station. They will combine their gear and set
up a one-night "multi-multi" operating on 80 and 160 throughout the night
until sunrise to give the Deserving a chance at this tough low band country.
Their frequencies will be on or close to 3.512 and 1.827 MHz. Some SSB may be
attempted if conditions are favorable. Tuesday morning, Ari will return
Dennis to the airport where he will board a helicopter for OJ0 Market Reef.
OJ0 Market Reef
The plans for the September 14-20 OJ0/K7BV operation have been finalized
thanks to financial support from the NCDXF and Top Band enthusiasts organized
by W6PBI, K6RK and K3SX. This trip, K7BV's second of the year to Market Reef,
will place heavy emphasis on the 160 and 80 meters. Dennis K7BV, Seppo OH1VR
and Lars OH0RJ will arrive on Market Reef via helicopter Sep 14 around 1200Z,
weather permitting and begin operating a few hours later after the antennas
are up and the stations put together. OJ0 will be active in the SAC Contest.
They will leave the reef Monday Sep 20 at 0800Z.
QSL all OH0/OJ0/K7BV QSOs via KU9C. OH0Z QSLs go to OH1EH. QSL printing for
the earlier trip was held until outcome of planning for this trip was known.
he printer is preparing the cards now and SASE requests should be in the
mail very soon.
Operating frequencies, details of the trip and photos of the May trip are
posted on website
73 Dennis Motschenbacher K7BV
Bernie McClenny, W3UR
Editor of The Daily DX & How's DX?
3025 Hobbs Road
Glenwood, MD 21738
Fax 301-854-5105
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