Topband: Home Again
Wed, 1 Dec 1999 07:40:59 EST
Hi Gang
FB trip home from A61AJ. I spent much of the day yesterday chatting with
W0UN on the plane about possible RX antenna scenarios for the difficult LP
into W6/W7 on 160M.
We generated a few good ideas - which we will try to put in place if the
opportunity again presents itself. It may - just do not know when at the
I am still sorting out the cobwebs -and have much to catch up on here on the
home front.
There will be a writeup of this 160m operation - not sure when - but I will
get one out in due course.
A couple of things I would like to ask about/pass on:
Pse QSL to W3UR. Bernie has the CQWW contest logs already on disk for 160M,
and I will get him an electronic media version of my HAND LOGS which were
kept before and after the contest for 160M.
QSL's will likely be available by the end of the year for BOTH sets of logs.
This time, BTW, Ken NA0Y, gets the K1ZM "early bird of the expedition award"
- there was a QSL waiting from Ken in my mailbox already when I drove into my
driveway yesterday - guess Ken **REALLY** wants his QSL for this one - hi hi!
Did anyone out on the LEFT coast happen to tape record the A61AJ signal on
the long path? Anyone on the short path?
If so, pse let me know - I would love a copy of this stuff to present to Ali
at some point. He is most interested in how he is doing - and I can tell you
he generously met ALL of my requests for radial wire, beverage wire, coax -
both BEFORE and after the contest. Special requirements were many and varied
- and without his help and financial backing, this would NEVER had gone as
well as it did in the end. Those who made a 160M QSO really owe this fellow
a word of thanks. You can EMAIL Ali a thank you note if you wish to
His name is Ali Al Futtaim - about 29-30 years old - and I know he would
enjoy hearing from the 160M gang. I would encourage you to send him an email
thanking him for his support of the 160M operation - if you can find the time
to send one off today or tomorrow....thanks.
If we can repay this fine amateur in some small way for his support (without
which this would NEVER would have happened) I would like to.
There is a good chance Ali will come to Dayton this year - if so, I will try
to see that he comes to the 160m Topband dinner. I will work on that this
week - he is a great guy, totally enthusiastic about contesting and ham radio
in general - and has one of the finest stations anywhere - and getting better
and better each year.
The pictures will tell the story.
More later - but just glad to be home.
Thanks to each of you who called and made this operation a success - I'll
carry the memories on this one for a LONG time.
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