Topband: Hi from 9V1PC Singapore
Peter Cook
Thu, 02 Dec 1999 17:11:11 +0800
Hi all.
I'm a recent convert to 160m and I'm running a real simple setup- FT840
with 10 watt (legal limit on this band here) to an ATU out to a wire
hanging from my apartment window on a 30 degree slant to the parking lot
below... I'm on the 10th floor- so the wire is high and is 45m long (
near quarter wave).... but nothing fancy guys... To stop the RF flying
around the shack I have a single 45m counterpoise running down the
outside wall of the arpartment block!!
But beleive it or not using this simple setup I've worked quite a few US
West coast stations over the past few days including: N6FF, K6SE,
W6AJJ, N7SS, N2KK,WC7N, K6UR, KA6W, W6OSP AND MORE.... I am always
troubled by heavy static here so sorry for all the repeats but generally
we can make it.... Listen out at 1400 to 1500z for me around 1.826MHz
most nights if you need Singapore.. I plan to be here for a few months
more so time is also on our side....
73's es DX
Peter Cook, 9V1PC
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