Topband: Vegetation/Housing Effects on Low Angle Radiation
Bill Hohnstein K0HA
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 01:06:18 -0800
Being up late has me thinking today...
I wonder if there has been any study showing the effects of local
vegetation (a surrounding forest to take an extreme) or concentrated
city development on low angle propagation. To take my situation
as an example, would it really make a difference in my signal to
DX stations if I were living in the middle of a forest rather
than my current location being surrounded by barren, harvested
fields (obviously with identical ground conductivity)? Would a forest
effect the level of the earth reflected signal?
One thing that I noticed from years of taking AM broadcast field
strength measurements was that walking from a clearing between you
and the transmit antenna to a close wooded area between would lower
the reading. Similarly, when one day at that wooded area was dry
and the next had rain, with wet foliage; the wet day would almost
always have a lower field strength reading (I kept written records
showing this at one time). Does this translate to having any effect
on the reflected wave and the resulting total signal level?
I'll summarize direct responses...
73, Bill K0HA
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