Topband: Fwd: TopBand
Tue, 28 Dec 1999 17:22:23 EST

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Bob EL2RF could use some ideas from all the topband talent!  Dont know if 
this will go through with the file attached. 73 Bob W7LR

Guys, please reply directly to Bob at and
not the reflector.  TU, de W4ZV

Things dont look too promising from this end vis-a-vis
TopBand operations.  I am getting hammered big time
by local noise which I am having trouble isolating.
One possible culprit is a local microwave tower which
is located less then 1/8 of a mile from my tower along
with a VSAT array. Another possibility is that the
selectivity/sensitivity of my FT-100 is non-existant
on 80M and 160M. Frustrating things even more is
that the K9AY array I have set up (Pres: it is located
on the other side of the house away from the sloper)
doesnt even hear the signals I can here thru the noise
on the sloper.  FYI, I have the sloper connected to
the tower. It is fed as the high end with the coax shield
connected to the tower.  I thought that maybe the noise
could have even been generated by my MFJ switching
power supply but I brought back with me my power
supply for the TS-850 and noise still present.
So! I don't have the equipment nor resources available
to me here in Liberia like I had in Bahrain. I frankly
dont know what now. Any help, ideas, or suggestions
are welecomed.
Bob (EL2RF)

This is the reply that I sent to EL2RF about his noise problems.  Hope that 
you can add more. Thanks. Bob W7LR

Gm Bob. Doesnt sound too good!  Doubt the microwave tower is the problem.
Do you have two narrow (250 and 270 hz) cw filters in the TS850?  I use those 
and they help narrow the bandwidth and thus reduce noise.  Also use the slope 
controls about 2 clicks from normal to reduce bw more.  When I am looking at 
noise sources I put the ts850 on AM, wide filters, and no noise blankers.  
When the powerline noise is on (thankfully it is gone lately) it is sometimes 
40 over 9 in that noise mode.
Have you isolated the noise between your residence and outside that? When I 
did have powerline noise using the MFJ1026 noise canceller made a huge 
difference and allowed me to operate when it would have been impossible 
otherwise. When the powerline noise is on, the narrow filters, and noise 
blanker reduce the noise level to about s3, but then loud signals in the band 
modulate the noise blanker and hard to copy weak signals.  How much room do 
you have for rx antennas?  Of course a Beverage is ideal but needs lots of 
real estate. I mostly use EWE rx antennas, each 44' long, with the broadside 
array, with the two elements 160' apart. Recently I snaked a 900' Beverage 
thru the trees in the only possible direction in my land and that in the next 
field (in the direction of EL!).  Even for Europe it works great.
I dont have any experience with slopers so dont know if that is part of the 
rx problem or not.  Condx have been much better the last few days - worked 
several European stations. I see that W5PS worked you in the early evening - 
the band is dead here then.  0630z is about the only possible time, and that 
is late here.  My xyl is getting tired of my nightowl habits!  OK abt Bahrein 
- I used to be MP4BAL there when I worked for ARAMCO in Saudi Arabia, 1948 to 
1950.  Hope you have success with the noise problem. Have a good new year.  
73 Bob W7LR

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