R: Topband: GAP

Tom Rauch W8JI@contesting.com
Wed, 29 Dec 1999 07:57:27 -0500

> If reference is made to the other GAP antenna models then they're not top
> loaded.   If to the voyager model, it has a top hat, is 45' high and has
> tuning rods.  I just put one up with the counterpoise.  Counterpoise seems
> to be the one described in the ON4UN Low Band DXing book using 1/4 wave
> transmission line radials.  Do not know what type of transmission line GAP
> uses but looks like RG8X type.

If you read ON4UN's book carefully, John points out making radials 
out of coax does nothing to change the electrical length or 
operation of the radial. The coax just acts like any other conductor 

Orr's book(s) has that wrong. Orr claims the coax shortens the 
required radial length through the Vf of the cable. That certainly 
isn't correct at all.

So whatever GAP uses for "radial coax", it makes no difference. It 
might as well be hook-up wire.

73, Tom W8JI

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