TopBand: UK condx

Garry & Yelena
Tue, 23 Feb 1999 00:38:24 -0800


Hate to rain on your parade, but, in fact: 

W7TVF is west of Las Vegas,  Nevada--probably close enough from a Euro
perspective to be called West Coast, but 200 miles inland.

N7JW is in Utah--in the Great Basin east of the Rockies and 600 miles

6D2X is just barely in Mexico, over the Rio Grande River from the most
southerly projection of Texas, and hard by the Gulf of Mexico. For all
intents and purposes except the multiplier, it is in South Texas. 

The only true West Coast station in your list below is W6UB, in
Pleasanton, California, just over the hills from San Francisco Bay.

I pursued this out of curiosity--because if there was a Euro opening to
the West Coast, it sure slid by all the fellows who hang out around here
looking for one--except W6UB. I can think of only two or three occasions
during this entire season where west coasters have actually heard and
worked any Europeans. 

And we don't consider Utah or Texas to be West Coast any more than you
think the Ukraine is in East Anglia.

Best regards, and still looking for a real Europe opening--to ANY part
of Europe...

Garry, NI6T :-)
Mike Devereux - G3SED wrote:
> Hi all
> We had an outstanding opening to the West Coast from Southern UK this
> morning  Monday 0500z  (Sunday evening West coast time )  A combination
> of good conditions and a quiet band mean't that I was able to use my
> 90ft vertical as the main RX antenna. My 1500ft beverage showed no
> improvement on RX - very unusual.
> >From the S meter of my FT1000MP signals were :-
> 0500z    6D2X      5-9 plus 10dB
>               N7JW     5-9 plus  5  dB
>              W6UB     5-8/9
>              W7TVF   5-8
> 0541     KW0A     5-9 plus 5dB
> All signals had deep QSB to the noise level - it was a shame activity
> was low It's very rare I hear the West coast this strong - maybe only
> three times in 35 years !!!
> Great band - great addiction !
> 73's MIKE G3SED

Garry Shapiro, NI6T
160 meters: not a band, but an obsession

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