TopBand: 5B4ADA - 1998

Ivo Pezer, 5B4ADA/9A3A
Fri, 01 Jan 1999 18:44:09 +0200

Happy New Year to all top banders (and everybody else)

Although I was not QRV on 160m too much,  I'd worked 3084
QSOs on top band during the 1998 with 2168 different
stations from  all continents. Since I was much more active
for JAs in 1994, in 1998 I've tried to work as many US
stations as possible and last year totals were 558 USA QSOs
with 383 different USA stations. The best opening to the USA
was on the 16th Jan 98 when I worked several west coast
stations (K7CA was 10dB over S9!!!).
27 days later I logged 70 USA stations in less than one hour
with several W0s in the log (12th Feb 98) and 75 USA
stations on 13th Feb 98!!! There were no USA stations
between 22 Feb and 25 Oct 1998, (I mean I was not QRV) so
you can see that I'm not Top Band man only, I do operate
other bands too and have other commitments to fulfill.
My log shows 19 days when I've worked USA stations on 160m,
including contest weekends, but there were a few days with
an exceptional openings and very loud signals and those
lucky morning had resulted in most of my QSOs.
On the 30th Dec 98 I have worked 49 USA stations, but no USA
were heard on the 31st Dec 98, although I was calling for 30
minutes. I'd like to be on the air on the 16th Jan 1999, but
most probably I'll be in 4X land that weekend.
Thanks to everybody for calling me, specially during the
contest weekends and I wish you all less QRN/QRM this year
and to hear you on The Band very soon.

I still need zones 2, 6, 10, 13, 24, 27 and 40 on Top Band.
If anyone wants to try please e-mail directly to me for
possible dates.

I do not have any special RX antennas, I am listening on my
Inv V which is only 16m above ground, and any suggestions
(no space for Beverages here) will be appreciated and
hopefully more west coast stations will be in my log. I've
tried small loops but signal attenuation was very high.

73 Ivo 5B4ADA/C4A

PS I did work JAs too, 131 stations last year and I enjoy
working JAs but unfortunately it's difficult to stay awake
for JA sunrise, than wake up for my sunrise to work USA and
than go to work. Hope to do better this year

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