TopBand: Beverage Height
Sat, 02 Jan 1999 11:21:38 +0000
Happy New Year to all topbanders. Just before Christmas I posted a
question regarding the suggested height and support spacing for a temporary
contest beverage. Thanks to all who took the trouble to respond. Here is
a digest of the responses.
Call Height support Comments
(ft) spacing (ft)
K0HA 3 30+ Other useful notes - tnx
K9NK 6 - 8 150 Copper clad steel wire
K6SE 7 - Over desert soil
4X4NJ 0 - Lay them on the ground!
GM3POI 4 - constructional tips - tnx
NW6N 3 - lower = cleaner pattern but less gain
G4BYG 3 100 Lots of other tips - tnx
W8AV - 50 Don't over-stretch the wire
ON4UN correctly pointed out that his book does not 'recommend' 10 ft but
gives polar diagrams for different heights. Sorry for the incorrect
inference John.
The general concensus is that 3 ft (1 metre) is what most folks are
using/would recommend - unless there is a need to get above head/antler
height. Most say its not worth the extra gain to go to the complexity of
10ft supports. Electric fence supports are the most popular.
Thanks again
Chris G3SVL
p.s. we will be on in the CQWW160 SSB at end of February and will be
operating from the Island of Jersey (GJ). Hope this will provide a good
mult for everyone.
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