Topband: Re: Bob Snyder, W9GT, SK
Joe Reisert
Fri, 28 May 1999 14:22:31 -0400
To all top Banders and DXers,
It's my sad duty to notify you all that my long time friend Bob Snyder,
W9GT became a silent key on February 4, 1999. Perhaps you don't remember
Bob as W9GT as it was his latest call, seldom used after he retired from
Standard Oil. A little more background would be appropriate.
I first QSOed Bob as EP2BK on 20 meter cw in 1962 when I was WA6TGY. He had
two very enjoyable visits from him and his family while we were in San
Jose. Many of you may remember that he was very active from Iran and even
got on 160 to give W1BB (and others) a new DXCC country.
Later Bob was active at DXCC spots around the world. In the early 1960's he
was most active as VS1LP, 9V1LP and 9M4LP, especially when this part of the
world was becoming new DXCC entities. During the week days, he worked in
Indonesia where Ham Radio was not permitted since the PKs shut down around
1950. Eventually he got permission and came on as W0GTA/8F4 in 1966 giving
us all a new one and thus opening the door to ham radio again in Indonesia.
Later Bob was transferred to Europe and operated as W0GTA/LA and LA0AD in
the late 1960's. When he came back to the States, he was working in the
Chicago area and operated in the 160 contests. He retired from Standard Oil
around 1988 and finally settled in the Springfield, MO area. He didn't
operate much ham radio anymore and rekindled his interest in music.
Recently he was a restorer of old musical instruments and kept quite busy
as a hobby and business.
In December 1998, he and Lorna celebrated their 40th wedding anniversay.
Then they visited both of their children on the West coast and returned on
Februay 2, 1999. Two days later Bob had a fatal heart attack.
Bob was a great person as well as a great DXer who send out many large and
beautiful QSLs as well as awards to those who worked him on several bands.
I for one will sadly miss Bob. I wish his wife, Lorna, and their children
all out prayers and good wishes at this difficult time.
Joe, W1JR
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