Topband: Back from Morocco
Joerg Puchstein
Joerg Puchstein" <
Thu, 4 Nov 1999 09:22:34 -0000
Dear friends,
I would like to thank everybody for the participation
in the QSO hunt on 160m during the last two weeks.
I for my part had a lot of fun making more than 2000
QSO's as either 5C8M or CN8WW.
Best DX was VK6HD / VK6VZ the evening after the
contest. Congrats to both Mike and Steve replying
to my wake-up call :-) Also Westcoast could be
reached - but the openings were very short. Here I hope
to be more successful during our stay end of November.
Equipment used was a TS-850SAT with a
Ten-Tec Titan-425 Amplifier into a Inverted-L with a
vertical part of 21m (69ft) located directly at the beach.
Second RX was a good old Drake R4C, connected
to several Beverages, each 160..320m (500..1000ft) long.
My apologies to everybody who's sent e-mails during
the last 7 days (since Oct. 28th) - they just were dumped
by my provider. My mailbox was not accessible from
Morocco and quickly filled up to the limit. So please
send them again now.
For further informations and photos about our contest-
expedition please visit .
You can contact us (outside contest) by e-mail via .
The QSL route goes via buro or directly to DL6FBL :
Bernd Och
Chr.-Wirth-Str. 18
D-36043 Fulda
We will return to Morocco on November 20th for the
CW-part and I hope to be able to hand out a New One
again for everybody not in log this time.
Joerg DL8WPX / YB1AQS, 5C8M/CN8WW 160m op
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