Topband: 1999 fall condx/lack of activity??

Bill Capps
Sun, 21 Nov 1999 18:18:18 -0800

hello all
	i am a new dx'er on 160 and i'm confused about "ilmo, oh2bo"'s observation,

>>>"So far almost everything above axle East-West In October-November has been
dead with a couple of exceptions. I have worked AL7R, JA1HQT, HL3IUA  and
KH2/K4SXT and a couple of UA9/0-stations.Nothing else heard from North
America,  Caribia or JA. 
I beleave there is a question about activity as well as propagation. It is
difficult to utilize short openings without active stations on band just on
right time. This concerns me as well as others."<<<<<
	I've been on 160 nearly every night since september, from as little as 30
minutes a night to 4-5 hours. i know others are listening as well, because
i hear occasional tune-ups and accidental keying.

	when and how should a 160 dx'er "MAKE ACTIVITY"?  i was told and have read
that the 160 dx'er should "listen listen listen". i'm currently listening
on 1.824 for a61aj. i could call cq, but that would mess things up for others

	many thanks and 73

bill capps

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