Topband: 5H3/K8LEE

Bernie McClenny
Thu, 21 Oct 1999 18:50:34 +0100

Both Dave, 5H3RK, and Ralph, 5H3RK are both active now on 160 meters and they
have both told me they have serious noise problems most days well over S9.
Earlier last week many of us heard Ralph at his sunrise go from out of the
noise to well over S9 in signal strength and many East Coast stations were
calling but he could only hear one station!  Wayne, 5H3/K8LEE, is operating
from Dave's QTH.  I did send a note to them asking to please not operate
simplex, especially on 160.  This is a given for any rare DX on Topband!
Another one is if you want to work US stations stay away from 1830!  The good
new is these guys will be there for almost two weeks.  I also mentioned the
best time for US is from about 02:40 to just a few minutes past sunrise.  He
showed up way to late the last time he went to 160.

de Bernie

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