Topband: EL2WW - weekly report and schedules
Mark Demeuleneere
Fri, 24 Sep 1999 13:19:07 +0200
This week offered a great opening to NA/EU on Tuesday night, and a good
opening to EU Wednesday evening. During this EU opening it started raining
cats and
dogs, with thunder all over the place. Disconnected the cables at 2150z.
This night some good signals to the midwest between 0030 and 0055z. Few takers.
I was also calling between 0605 and 0620z (and after that on 3.503), no luck.
In total 502 different stations have been logged so far on topband.
The sked for EU remains Mondays through Thursdays at 2100z.
For NA/SA, I will appear when time permitting during my night - read : when the
guy doesn't fall asleep - (watch for me on the higher bands first), and
occasionally just after 06z. A permanent sked will start in October.
Frequency as always 1828.5, qsx up1 to up2.
I observed that some people with big signals, after they worked me, start
calling cq on 1831. This blocks the weak signals completely at my end. No
fancy filtering. Please call cq a bit higher up, thanks.
I understand LU/KY0C calls 1831 and up, depending on birdies. Hopefully no
interference will occur when we're both on. If he appears on 1831, don't call
me up 2, but limit it to 1.830
For JA, I keep on listening at your sunrise, but nothing heard so far.
Will also make sked for JA in October.
That's it for now. If you need EL in rtty, I'll be in the CQ test this weekend.
73 - Mark - on4ww/el2ww.
Qsl via ON5NT.
ps : I won't be reading my mail until next week.
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