Topband: Dual Band Inv L - 2 Points to clarify

George & Marijke Guerin
Tue, 19 Dec 2000 22:36:47 -0500

Dear Brian et. al.

Why not a dual band inverted L?  If you make an 80 meter trap and put it
about 65 feet from the feed point, you can have an essentially full size
antenna on both bands.  A typical 80 meter trap will provide about 15 feet
of inductive loading on 160, so the overall length can be about 115 feet
including the trap.

Otherwise, the main current part of the inverted L is in the feed line on
160 with the smaller configuration of 40 ft up and 40 ft out.  On 80 meters
the current peak is in the middle of the 40 ft vertical section, which makes
it very good.  about 5/16 wavelength.

73        George        K8GG

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