Topband: [ The Daily DX ] DX Syria 2001

Bernie McClenny, W3UR
Fri, 29 Dec 2000 14:15:36 +0000

For Immediate Release

December 31, 2000

The Cinco Nueve Contest Group (CNCG) and the Willamette Valley DX Club (WVDXC)
are sponsoring a DXpedition to Syria.  "DX Syria 2001" is a non-profit
organization formed for the promotion and organization of this expedition.
The Syrian government and local Syrian hams invited an American team of 8
operators for a February 2001 DXpedition at the Syrian Telecommunication
Establishment (STE) site in Damascus.  The group will leave the US on Feb. 1,
2001 and hopes to be on the air Feb. 3rd.  The group will be active for 9
days.  The STE operating site is the same one used by the 1994 YK0A

The group has been assigned YK9A and plans to be QRV on 6 through 160 meters
on CW, SSB and RTTY.  Team members will include Ron Vincent, WJ7R; Dick Moen,
N7RO; Bob Eshleman, W4DR; Rosalie Eshleman (YL), N4CFL; Carl Luetzelschwab,
K9LA; Vicky Luetzelschwab (YL), AE9YL; Jim Wise, W4PRO and team leader Al
Rovner, K7AR.

The team will be equipped with four IC-756 PROs, which were graciously loaned
by Icom America, and three AL-811H amplifiers.  Three stations will be active
on the HF bands, with the fourth station monitoring 6 meter beacons and
activity.  The 6 meter station will become active during band openings.

Antennas will include a Battlecreek Special (40, 80, 160), wire antennas for
160 and 80 meters, a 40 meter beam, (2) beams for 10-20 meters, a R5 vertical
for general use, and a 6 meter Yagi.

Syria ranked # 74 on the 1999 ARRL DXCC Most Wanted list.  Syria ranks # 24 in
the US on The DX Magazines 1999 Most Wanted list.  In the Eastern Time Zone it
ranks 35, in the Central Time Zone 20, in the Mountain Time Zone 18 and in the
Western Time Zone # 26.  In Japan Syria ranks also high on the most wanted
list.  With this in mind a major emphasis will be put into working stations
from the US and Japan.  The expedition intends to focus on low band operation
especially looking for long path openings to the west coast of North America,
and short path openings to the East Coast and Midwest.  The group will erect
low noise receiving antennas for 160 and 80 meters to aid low band reception.

DX Syria 2001 will have three pilot stations, which will be in contact with
the YK9A team.  Dick Wolf, N6FF, ( will handle the western half
of the US while Bernie McClenny, W3UR, ( will handle the
eastern half.  Masao Ueki, JH3VNC, ( will be the Japanese
pilot station.

The DX Syria 2001 web site can be found at and will include
pre-trip news, setup news, propagation conditions, updated daily online logs
and suggested operating frequencies.

QSL cards will be handled by K9LA, Carl Luetzelschwab, 1227 Pion Road, Fort
Wayne, IN 46845, USA.

Sponsors for DX Syria 2001 include the Willamette Valley DX Club, the Cinco
Nueve Contest Group, INDEXA, ICOM America, HAL Communications, WriteLog
Software, the Central Virginia Contest Club and Mark Perrin, N7MQ.

For more information please contact Al Rovner, K7AR at

Bernie McClenny, W3UR

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