Topband: MP and electric fence noise

Jon Zaimes AA1K
Tue, 11 Jan 2000 12:50:01 +0000

I made an interesting discovery today. The electric fence ticking noise
that I thought had gotten worse on 160 in recent weeks had not changed -- I
had simply changed radios!! With my new FT1000MP in the Fast AGC mode (the
way I use most radios) the ticking was accentuated -- kicking up to S8-S9
and quite annoying. But with it in AGC Off or Slow, the tick was a much
more bearable S1-S2, just like it had been on the old TS940!!

I wonder if anyone else has observed this with the MP in fast AGC? I notice
that International Radio has a mod that affects the AGC speed -- has anyone
tried this?

The noise blanker takes it out but of course that doesn't help on a crowded
band in contests.

No JAs or other DX at sunrise today.

73/Jon AA1K

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