R: Topband: FYI

scaroni scaroni@phoenix.it
Sat, 22 Jan 2000 03:50:32 +0100

>Friends in Radio Land -
>Among the interesting articles in the March issue of Sky and Telescope are
>two articles on the aurora and one on solar storms.  The auroral photos
>are quite spectacular and tell something of the complexity of auroral
>electron bombardment of the atmosphere and the theory related to the
>Since 160 meter DXers are really space scientists in disguise, I thought
>you'd be interested.
>Bob, NM7M

Hi Bob,
yes i agree with you becouse the aurora is many important in our hobby,
always i look on Noaa web site the activity of the aurora, like on 24
evening when the JA station was coming here not in normal direction, but
skewed to about 120�, so looking on Noaa web site i have check there was
that  evening a level of aurora with an activity of 8 on the Siberia, so no
signal was arriving from direct path, but all signal was on my south est
Hi hi i was thinking that my JA beverage was broken, but the problem was in
the aurora activity.

73 Giulio Ik2DED.

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