Topband: Question for the group
Fri, 7 Jul 2000 07:09:31 EDT

I know this is diverging a bit from the intent of the reflector, but since we 
are all interested in receiving weak signals better (especially on Topband) I 
would like to pose the following question.

Sometime in the time frame between 1978 and 1980 the was an article in either 
QST or 73 Magazine about a "spatial CW filter" that would have the effect of 
enhancing the ability of hearing weak signals with a set of headphones.  
Without going into a lot of detail, it would essentially make the headphones 
behave as if they were connected to a stereo system receiver and cause the 
signals to move from ear to ear as you tuned up the band.

Does anyone in the group remember the article and if so can you point me to 
the proper issue of the magazine to find it.  Please respond to me personally 
rather than overloading the reflector with undue traffic.

Thanks for the help, 73 and much DX on Topband! Goose W8AV  ""

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