Topband: Great conditions last night

Thu, 02 Mar 2000 10:00:35 -0500

   Hello topbanders,

      The band was in excellent shape last night. It opened into United
Kingdom at our sunset with huge signals from G3PQA, GI3OQR, and GM4BES.
Then I called CQ on SSB and 3 KP4's (KP4SN, WP4AZT, and NP4A)called in
off the back of my transmitting array. IZ1CQD was booming in on 1843 SSB
for a long time calling CQ with few takers.  I  made qsos with him, and
then  John, G3PQA. Later, DJ7AA showed up on CW calling CQ. He was the
loudest I've ever heard him, 599+5-10dB on FT-1000D's S meter (beverage
system without a preamp).  At 0340Z, Wil went to 1843 SSB to work FG5FC
and VE2RP. I first called him with 100w for a ragchew while waiting for
my Ten-Tec Titan to warm up. He mentioned that the solar K index in
europe was up to 6, but it was 4 here in the US. Finally stations from
the midwest began to work him and his signal was still building. I went
back to CW to work John, RA6AX who was coming in strong. The band really
began to get busy by 0430Z.

        73, Peter WW2Y

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