Topband: Location, Location, Location and Answers

Bill Gerhold
Tue, 17 Oct 2000 08:19:12 -0400

Just a note to all those that replied to my msg about my
location, height above sea level, mountain peaks and height
of my antenna etc, etc..
My first question was; do I raise the antenna
another 20 feet, will it make any difference from 30ft to 50ft?
Answers were from yes; every foot counts, to no; it won't make
a bit of difference because it's such a small part of the overall
wavelength.  Bottom line, no one really seems to know but I
guess that's what's so exciting about the band.
Second question, does my 1200 feet ASL matter on the
160 meter band.  Almost all replies said it did not matter
on 160. Others went into the theory of reflected waves and
getting closer to ducting at higher altitudes.  Oh really?  I
know about ducting on vhf and uhf but don't know about this
happening on 160.
I received about 30 comments in all and am still receiving them
sporadically.  It's a toss up, but thanks to all who replied.  I love
this stuff.
Just to let everyone know, I raised it the extra 20 feet.  If anything,
I like the looks of it.  Yeah, I'm really getting out now!  I
can just hear the DX rolling in.  CQ VK, JA.
Oh, BTW, as I am writing this I just received ON4UN's book
and in the back on page 14-4, is an almost identical drawing of
my antenna the "WA2AEH Zig-Zag".  My antenna is 15 meters high along
most of its length and passes over the house at about dead center
and is supported by (4) trees (what a coincidence Hmmm).  I thought
I invented this antenna (who is this guy K2UO?).  Hi Hi.


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