Topband: 160 propagation

Tom Rauch
Wed, 20 Sep 2000 10:49:48 -0400

I hope people don't give up trying because conditions are poor for a 
few nights. There were many times during mid-summer when a DX 
station was just booming in and no one was on to enjoy the 
opening. That includes working people in northern Europe, as well 
as southern hemisphere stuff. 

LA3XI braved the sun during the summer, and came in quite well on 
a due east path day after day during July! Quite a few people 
worked him. The few times I managed to move a JA to 160 during 
summer, QSO's were made. 

Even northern hemisphere paths are possible all year.

Some of the poorest days have been days with low solar activity, 
and some of the best have been when "the numbers" are off the 

Besides, it's always more fun when you have to dig a bit. If it wasn't 
for that, we'd probably all be on twenty meters.

One of the things I've found is many times the band peaks well-off 
sunrise, and goes downhill as sunrise approaches. If we aren't 
there trying, we can be sure the band will be dead.

Let's not jump ship!

73, Tom W8JI

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