Topband: the effect of trees

Fritz Reuning K4OAQ
Mon, 13 Aug 2001 19:46:35 -0400

For what it's worth, here's my observations.

I'm trying to phase two inv Ls. One, call it L1, goes up and over two 60ft 
tall sugar maple trees.  The other one, call it L2, goes up and away from a 
40ft tall walnut tree.  L1 comes to the gnd abt 5ft from the trunk and L2 
comes to the gnd abt 10 ft from the trunk.  Each ant has 12- 1/8wl radials. 
 The impedance of L1 is 82ohms and L2 is 52ohms.  I added 12 more radials 
to L1 and the impedance went to 77ohms.  My gut feeling is that it shud 
have made more of a difference, altho I don't have any experience in this 

Last winter when L2 didn't exist, in the process of matching feedline to 
L1, I measured Z to be 46ohms.  The gnd system at that time was different. 
 I had a 4ft gnd rod within a foot or so of the tree trunk and about 250ft 
of 2ft wide chicken wire attached & going off in various directions.

I know that the KF4IX and K4OQK QST article that Carl, K9LA, quotes 
indicates that the tree limbs and trunk are the culprit, but I wonder if 
the leaves are just as much involved?  I'm not sure it makes a difference, 
for when the leaves are gone, the sap is also down, I think.

73, Fritz K4OAQ