Topband: Beacon Summary

Hal Kennedy
Mon, 20 Aug 2001 13:03:38 -0400

Thanks to all those who responded to the question concerning beacons for top 


QRG, Location, Other Data


1314 Radio Norway, 500KW
1512 Belgium, 300KW
1528 Unknown
1557 France, 300KW
1566 Switzerland, 300KW
1593 Germany, 600KW
1602 Unknown
1845 Faroe Island, LSB - Digital, 100W
1851 Unknown
2065 Paris, RTTY
3228.2  Faroe Island, LSB - Digital, 100W


1566 Tunisia, 1200 KW
1803.5  NE Africa


1816.5 Hawks Bay, New Zealand
1817  New Zealand, GPS correction stn
1818.5 Cooks Straight
1819  New Zealand, GPS correction stn
2310  Alice Springs, Australia
2325  Australia
2485  Australia

Aero Beacons, Papua New Guinea (All 50-100W):
1615  Nadzab, CWID=NZ
1623  Gurney, CWID=GNY
1632  Mt. Robinson, CWID=OKT
1642  Moro,   CWID=MOR
1662  Port Moresby, CWID=KUB
1689  Mount Hagen,  CWID=MH
1692  Kuiuga,  CWID=KIU
1725  Goroka,  CWID=GA
1737  Kutubu,  ID=KUT, USB+ID


1521  Saudi Arabia, 2000KW


2340  Fuzho
2445  Nanchang
2460  Kumming
2475  Hangzhou
2560  Urumqi

Thanks to W8JI, P29KFS, OY9JD, W2PM, W7AWA, KN4LF, LA5HE and others.

If there are additions or corrections, please email them direct and I will 
put out an updated list.
73, Hal, N4GG

3228.2 Faroe Island (USB - digital)

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