Topband: questions on Slopers

Frank Norton KB8XU
Tue, 21 Aug 2001 20:05:25 +0100

Several years ago I installed 4 1/4 wave slopers around a 94 foot Rohn 45 
guyed with Phillystran. Please be kind, remember this all took place before 
resources like this reflector were available, and u were lucky if one other 
guy in the area radio society even listened to 160, little lone trying to 

Suffice to say with all the feed points gathered at essentially a common 
node--pattern results were disastrous. What I had forgotten was the point 
or area of max radiation was indeed elevated quite nicely (compared to a 
base loaded vertical), but every antenna was in virtually the same 
spot--there was no separation--as in a 4 square, or tricorner vertical 
array. So no matter which antenna was active--the feed point had not 
moved--hence, no discernable pattern (even on the rare occasions I could 
get one of the legs to load.

Perhaps someone else found a way to make 1/4 wave slopers on 160 work off a 
single tower. If not at least this may give u some options to think about.

If u must abandon the inverted L and the 75 foot tower is ur main support 
structure, I would consider going to a separate guyed vertical for the 
transmit antenna. Unless u can afford one of those beautiful Titanex units, 
I believe u'll have to homebrew at least part of it. (I would consider 
integrating the MFJ 1792 as a starting base then top loading it...number of 
options). Alf Sommer, of Sommer Antennas makes a model T-50 which is an 
even better option...but more money. Here is the T-50 to give u some ideas: 
<>. Once u have reviewed all these 
and decide whether u really want to spend $500 plus on a transmit setup, I 
would reconsider the major asset u mention in the first line of ur post---> 
A nicely toploaded 75 foot vertical!

By the way I'm assuming u have already purchased a copy of ON4UN's book 
"Low Band DXing".  A reread of transmitting systems in there is always 
It's cheap, and it gives u a starting system to compare any other 
installations to.

73 es gud luck de Frank KB8XU