Topband: webpage address and new updates to same
Dennis G. Peterson
Tue, 21 Aug 2001 21:05:17 +0100
Hi all; without sounding redundant again and again, I keep getting email
messages with requests to send my spreadsheet for the Kenwood 870s menu
This information is on my web page now and can be accessed at the following URL:
I have completed my modification to the CTSVR antenna by replacing the
coaxial stub capacitors with 15KV doorknob capacitors with a 13 amp current
carrying capacity. There is a Word97 .doc file that has been added today
along with two new digital .jpg photos showing the closeup of the doorknob
modification and a view showing the absence of the coaxial stubs.
Again, sorry for the bandwidth of this again; but I felt it important enough
to mention again; thus saving me having to make email attachments.
I might add that with the first initial test this afternoon and 65 watts of
power, I received a 20/s9 report from a station in Topeka, Kansas and about
the same from a station in South Carolina. (not much to brag about, but
rather convincing to say the least.)
Thanks de KØCKD Dennis