Topband: HF2V 160m kit doorknob caps
Harold Smith
Thu, 23 Aug 2001 18:42:05 +0100
I have to agree with Dave Heil that the best way to go would be to replace
those two "door-knobs" with a vacuum variable.
A Jennings 500pf @7.5kV would really do the job. There is a supplier in New
Jersey that shows up at Dayton and various Hamfest that has a very good
price on new removed from equipment units.
I have bought 8877s, vacuum variables and RJ1a vacuum relays from him and I
am very satisfied with his products.
His name is Thomas J. Bruckner 973-227-1085 or
I have no commercial connection with him. He is just a good and honest
73 de Price W0RI and BY1QH on 160 in 1998