Topband: Antennas

Herb Schoenbohm
Tue, 28 Aug 2001 11:29:10 -0300

> A 70 foot vertical with four 45deg hat wires is equal to a 99ft vertical
> for loop radiation resistance. A 60 foot vertical with four flat hat
> wires is equal to the same.
>a 45 degrees inclination is acceptable with relatively tall antennas but not
so much with shorter ones.

Yes indeed there seems to be a point of diminishing returns in respect
to the efforts of using sloping wires to achieve resonance. However an
improvement in the radiation resistance can be observed when the sloping
wires are less than 30 per cent and if all four wires are connected
with  horizontal jumpers  around the perimeter of the tower side of the
insulators of the four sloping wires.  These wires more than make up for
the slope loss cancellation by allowing a much larger profile capacity
hat and by being parallel to the ground.

Herb Schoenbohm (ex-KV4FZ)