Topband: 46 radials now on vertical/FT1000MP S/N observation

Iowa guy
Mon, 03 Dec 2001 03:16:51 +0000

I recently did some extensive testing on my short receive only 4 square that
I've been working on.  In the process, I did some calibration of the
FT1000MP S meter.  I was a bit startled to see the results.
>From S0 up to about S7 or S8, the S meter is FAR from being 6 db per S unit.
It's closer to about 2.5 db per S unit, or at least mine is.   Above S8, it
quickly levels out and responds fairly closely to the S meter readings as

This has thrown off many measurements I've done in the past including the
readings that are (accurately) quoted by me in the K1FZ website (Bruce's
products are excellent IMHO, but the figures I provided in that quotation
are somewhat generous in hindsight).  So, beware of the MP S meter.

Nevertheless, the S/N differences pointed out below are worth noting.

73. . . Dave