Topband: N4XX coaxial inverted "L"
Jamie WW3S
Mon, 10 Dec 2001 22:58:18 +0000
This antenna works! When I first got in to 160 a few years ago Scotty, WK3N,
gave me a copy of an article from CQ describing this antenna (although I
think the author had a different call). I think it was from April 1984.
Because it was from the April edition, I thought it was a joke so for 2
years I struggled with a 1/4w sloper which allowed me to work a few
Carribean stations but not much else. After speaking with Craig, W1JCC at a
hamfest, he convinced me to try it and it works! I worked everything I heard
this weekend with the exception of the VK6 and V47KP who could not have
hearing well. If youo are looking to try something different this. The first
year I only had 3 full size radials but since then have used 16 and that to
makes a difference. Oh, did I mention I only run 100w? Surprising antenna
even with low power.
73 Jamie WW3S