Topband: condx - more

Mark Demeuleneere
Fri, 28 Dec 2001 17:47:42 -0000

Finally some good openings the last two days towards midwest US. Conditions
generally terrible compared to last year.

I'm almost on my way to A6, leaving the 6th of Jan if nothing comes in
>From A6 I will either travel into Africa, or direction YA. Workschedule will
be very busy, but if possible, I'll try to be active from any given location
on topband.

Trying to finish my WAS on topband, which is not easy with these conditions.
If someone in one of the following states hears me one of the following
days, pse give me a call : AK-HI (ok, those will be for another
season)-ID-LA (how did I miss that one)-ND-OR-SD-WA
I'm usually around 1827.5-1828.5, starting 0600utc.

Wishing you all good health and less qrn in 2002.
Mark - on4ww.

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