Topband: waiting

Sat, 29 Dec 2001 09:40:39 -0800

I too have been waiting to hear any europeans here in the willamette valley
of the Pacific NW... I was beginning to think perhaps all the sigs were
being masked by some kind of local noise (100 and 500kv lines not terribly
far away)... Last eve the qrn static was very low and the air was very dry
and cool here end result I heard df2py just out of the noise at S2... ... I
think this quote from Tom Baugh says it all for anything west of the
rockies.." I could not hear most stations on anything but the beverage.QRN
was pretty tough. "
 My present  antenna is an inverted vee at 125ft apex... I use also a k9ay
loop which helps but the message is clear here thanks also to Tom w8ji, the
next step is more directivity and acreage for receiving... Also just
dropping a vertical wire instead of that vee for transmitting, hmm? that
lands right near my 80 m. 4square  with 2 mile of radials buried...this
could work ... oh well there is always next year and 8 elements of receiving
antenna in that 4 acre field just below my shack...aah next year..
Lee  K7TJR
Sherwood Or.