Topband: YK9A DXpedition - DX Syria 2001
Bernie McClenny, W3UR
Thu, 01 Feb 2001 18:19:04 +0000
Members of the YK9A “DX Syria 2001” team headed out today and expect to arrive
in Damascus, Syria on the evening of February 2. They hope to have everything
set up and running at the Syrian Telecommunication Establishment (STE) site
the following morning.
The group will be QRV on 6 through 160 meters CW, SSB and RTTY for 9 days.
Team members will include Dick Moen, N7RO; Bob Eshleman, W4DR; Rosalie
Eshleman (YL), N4CFL; Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA; Vicky Luetzelschwab (YL),
AE9YL; Jim Wise, W4PRO Al Hernandez, K3VN; Ali Yashrudi, JY4NE; Lee Sawkins,
VE7CC; Bob Marshall-Reed, G4VGO; and team leader Al Rovner, K7AR.
Three stations will be active on the HF bands, with the fourth station
monitoring 6 meter beacons and activity. The 6 meter station will become
active during band openings.
During the YK9A DXpedition there will be several other DXpeditions going on
around the same time. The operators of this team will be very diligent to
give their call and listening frequency as often as possible so that the DX
audience will know whom they are calling and where they are listening. Please
note that some of these YK9A transmitting frequencies are outside of the US
phone band.
Suggested frequencies:
CW – 1815, 3515, 7015, 10110, 14002, 18085, 21002, 24905, 28002
SSB – 1840, 3790, 7047.5, 14145, 18115, 21195, 24935, 28295
RTTY – 14082, 21082, 28082
DX Syria 2001 will have three pilot stations, which will be in contact with
the YK9A team. Dick Wolf, N6FF, ( will handle the western half
of the US while Bernie McClenny, W3UR, ( will handle the
eastern half. Masao Ueki, JH3VNC, ( will be the Japanese
pilot station.
The DX Syria 2001 web site can be found at and will include
pre-trip news, setup news, propagation conditions and updated daily online
QSL cards will be handled by K9LA and maybe sent via the bureau (outside of
the US) or direct to Carl Luetzelschwab, 1227 Pion Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46845,
USA. Cards will be available at the Dayton Hamvention.
Sponsors for DX Syria 2001 include the Willamette Valley DX Club, the Cinco
Nueve Contest Group, INDEXA, Northern California DX Foundation, ICOM America,
HAL Communications, DXAID, DX4WIN, Dunestar Systems, ARRL, WriteLog Software,
the Central Virginia Contest Club and Mark Perrin, N7MQ.
Bernie McClenny, W3UR
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