Topband: SSB Contest, CW Subband
Maurizio Panicara
Sat, 24 Feb 2001 15:57:42 +0100
What sort of band plan can exist in a band that's not yet homogeneus in
allowed space and use, and with different rights, and full with non amateur
services, all around the world with peculiar differences ?
The amateurs lack of realism, neglecting the problems of other areas, own
"presumed rights" becuse of domestic band plans (not world wide rules) are
probably a much worse behaviour than a band fullfilled of CW during a CW
contest or with SSB signals in a SSB contest.
Lack of patience and arrogance by presumed rights are the real penalties we
pay for.
Mauri I4JMY
----- Original Message -----
From: "ragnar otterstad" <>
To: <>; "TOPBAND Reflector" <>
Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2001 1:57 PM
Subject: RE: Topband: SSB Contest, CW Subband
> How can we expect the CW subband on 160m to be respected by the pig
> farmers, et. al., throughout the rest of the year, when it is used
> freely and entirely during the ssb contest?
> I had no idea this was the case. I guess I have been out of the country
> too long.
> It was equally bad here. D68C was smashed under strong EU SSB signals on
> 1822 !!
> There ought to be a penalty for not observing the band plans.
> 73
> Ragnar Otterstad " RAG" LA5HE Also JW5HE OZ8RO.
> Located in Telemark - Home of Skiing.
> Try
> Collector of W.W.2 military radios with focus on German and Resistance
> agent) sets, and old crypto equipment - all periods. Always interested in
> new acquisitions.
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