Topband: New Antenna Article on Web

Mark Connelly
Fri, 4 May 2001 04:50:00 -0700 (PDT)

New Antenna Article on Web

I have done some tests comparing a Pennant antenna and
a "Kaz" antenna.  An article on this latest round of
research has been posted at the following URL:
"" .

This article is a good companion to John Bryant's
recent piece and to my Pennant article published
almost a year ago.  These earlier articles are
readily available via hyperlinks.  The new article
provides observations in an form easily understood
by non-technical DXers.  Sketches of the two antenna
systems are provided for the "backyard experimenter".
Data tables show the gain and directivity measurements
that were taken.  The article also provides references /
links for further reading, especially for the more
technically-inclined person.

An appendix to this article is a short write-up done
by Canadian DXer Ken Alexander on his recent tests
with a Pennant antenna.

Feedback on this and previous articles is always
welcomed here at "" .

Mark Connelly - WA1ION - Billerica, MA, USA

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