Topband: JT Report

Fri, 23 Nov 2001 01:44:39 +0000

  Well conditions definitely did not improve over the last 24 hours.
Signals were much weaker and fewer people worked.  
  Yesterday the WX took a turn for the worse.  It was fairly windy in the
morning with a corresponding drop in temperature.  Over night the wind
picked up.  I'm guessing it has to be around 130km/hr now at sunrise.
There's been occasional snow flurries but it's light enough that the QRM is
not too great.
   We have a rotatable receive Pennant antenna on the ground ready to go.  I
wanted to check the rotator before we put it up yesterday.  JT1KAF went to
plug in the 110/220V converter, rotator control box is 110V, and it promptly
knocked out all power on the third floor where the shack is located.  I had
planned to put the Pennant up anyway and rotate it by hand in the interim
but not in this wind!
   I'll try to be QRV a bit before the contest.  It looks like most of today
will be down time unless the wind subsides a bit.     
