Topband: Re: AP2ARS

Dan, S50U
Mon, 08 Oct 2001 08:58:57 +0200

At 03:59 7.10.01 , Steve Ireland wrote:

Hi TopBanders,

get this from Robert, S53R today, when I get more infos from him
will post here ASAP.


Hi guys

AP2ARS is on 160m now, although with a small antenna. An inv-vee has been 
built and installed at 65 meters, but it has funny shape, since there is not 
enough room at the roo top. The 80m antenna, which is parallel to 160m one, 
is streched perfectly and it extends right to the edge of the building. For 
160mts I had to bend the legs inwards at 90 degrees. The resonance is there, 
but efficeny suffers a lot.

Another problem is hearing you guys. The building is full of computer 
networks and thus receptinon is a great deal. I have to use 18dB attenuation 
all the time. Without it, the needele stays flat at S9! Unfortuantely there 
is no room to put up a RX antenna.

The conditions were also quite poor for the last few days. First night I was 
on, a week ago, 33 QSOs were logged, but this past last weekend only 4 made 
it into the log (5B4ADA, OM5XX, OK1AEZ, UK8FWA). I'm sure that when the 
condx improve later into the winter, we will be able to do much better.

And now one word of advice for those a bit over-enthusiastic, and I will not 
mention the calls now (while I may consider doing it sometime)! If you do 
not hear me, why do you call and claim the contact. There were 4 stations 
heard in EU making QSOs with me on my calling frequency - but I do not know 
anything about it. Could not anyway, coz I was listening 3 up.

That's it for the time being. Due to local noise, I have to change TX 
frequencies sometime, but will try to stick to 1,824 or 1,828. Will listen 
to JA at 1821 and for the rest of you at 1,831.

Stay tuned and GL on 160!

73 Robert S53R/AP2ARS

Danilo Brelih