Topband: 3D2CI on topband

Garry Shapiro
Wed, 10 Oct 2001 14:28:14 +0000

The dam finally broke this morning on the West Coast

3D2CI fired up on 1828 around 1317. No callers for quite a while, except
for blind callers---those with faith----then a few sevens got through.
W7UT, N7FU, W7LR appeared to score, then W6BH, K6TQ (one call), KH6DX/M,
WA5VGI and W7CB as sunrise started walking up the coast. W7UT chimed in
again to tell the operator he was now 579.

After that, I stopped keeping track, as I started to hear the Conway
station. Nobody had designated me as Official Chronicler. There were now
numerous callers---when there is a party, word gets out!  My bud KA6W
slipped in with a perfectly-timed call, all by himself. For a while, it
threatened to get a bit crowded, as 3D2CI remained simplex. Some whom he
returned to experienced QSB. Earl, K6SE, was called several times, but
had trouble completing. Dunno if Earl made it--he was calling long past
his SR. K6GNX, probably past his sunrise, as well,  got in.

I scored at 1356, 14 min before local SR. 3D2CI is fading out now at
1418. This was definitely the best morning for Stateside---and is
apparently the last morning.


Garry, NI6T

160 meters-not a band but an obsession